What do you love most about shooting film?
What I love most about shooting film… I love the nostalgia more than anything. Film photography reminds me of the shabby photo albums which I would sit and sift through as a child, remembering those that are dear to me. There’s also a silence about film photography. The process is meditative and slow.
What is your favourite film stock to use and why?
Being relatively new to film photography, I’m still experimenting with film stock. I still make a lot of mistakes and so I’m apprehensive about trying some of the more expensive options. Right now, I’m enjoying playing with Kodak Gold 200.

Favourite camera to use and why?
Right now, I’m enjoying using my Canon AE-1. It’s a great choice for beginners, and because of its popularity, there’s a lot of guidance on how to use it. I am however looking forward to experimenting with medium format.
What's your favourite photo you’ve shot on film?
That’s tough! I think my favourite image at the moment is one I took over the summer, titled ‘wean me gently’. I was out walking the dogs with the mothership when we stopped at my auntie’s house for some refreshments. It may not be the mostly technically sound photograph, but it means a great deal to me. There’s a stillness there, and besides, I really love taking pictures of people’s hands!

Any tips for someone who's wanting to start shooting on film?
Practice, practice, practice. Don’t be disheartened when you get your first rolls of film back and things didn’t quite work out. It wasn’t a waste and you probably learnt a lot. Heck, I’m lucky if there two shots in a roll that I’m happy with.
Best and worst thing about shooting on film?
The best thing about shooting on film… for me it’s the moment when I take a deep breath right before clicking the shutter. I enjoy the stillness in that moment, but the anticipation of setting your eyes on your developed images is great too! The worst thing is the expense (but I promise it’s worth it)!
If you could shadow any photographer for a day, who would it be? Doesn't have to be famous or alive!
I’m a big Nan Goldin fan. She was one of the first photographers that really grabbed me. I was sat in my sister’s art studio in London. One of her photobooks was just sat on the side, and I was intrigued. I was just quite taken by the narrative of her photography.

Do you work in photography or is it more of a hobby / passion of yours?
The ultimate goal would be to work in photography. My passion/obsession for photography has steadily grown over the years. This year I have made a leap toward professional photography by beginning a BA (hons) Photography at UWE Bristol to discover and refine who I am as a photographer.
If money was no object, what camera would you own?
Leica M6 without any doubt.
Do you shoot colour, black and white or both? Which do you prefer?’
For the most part, I shoot in colour, though occasionally I will dabble in black and white. I’m still experimenting and finding my calling, but naturally I’m drawn to colour, particularly at evening light.